Security Patrols

The attractive private grounds of the Grange Estate have always acted as a magnet to those non-residents who have no scruples about trespassing, and in recent years we have commissioned licensed security contractors to carry out regular patrols to deter such visitors. As you would expect, services offered by reputable and professional security contractors do not come cheap and it is now our third biggest annual cost after maintenance of our communal grounds and the annual fee charged by our managing agent.

Our current service involves two 30-minute patrols of the whole estate per week on varying days and at varying times including evenings. The contractor also provides a 24/7 emergency callout service with prompt attendance.

We have a team of seven residents who act as our eyes and ears and between them are able to see nearly all parts of the estate from their windows. These “watchers” live in Heronsforde, The Knoll, The Cedars and Lakeside, and they are authorised to phone the security officer at any time 24/7 to request his attendance to deal with any suspicious or nuisance activity. 

Although the Coronavirus lockdown has brought about an increase in the number of unwelcome visitors to our estate our watchers have proved effective in noticing and reporting them. From the end of March onwards they made nine emergency calls to the security officer and in all cases except one the officer quickly attended and established that the people were non-resident trespassers and escorted them off the estate with a warning; in some cases it was clear that illegal substances were being smoked and follow-up action was taken.  

Very recently three “residents only” signs which also warn about security patrols and CCTV have been put up at the lake platform, the rooftop terrace by The Cedars, and at the entrance to the estate at the eastern end of Heronsforde. The directors have also looked into the possibility of wider CCTV surveillance but have ruled it out because of the onerous statutory regulations for systems which extend beyond the curtilage of a single building. 

It is encouraging that the weekly reports submitted by the security officer indicate that the people who are being warned and escorted off the estate are all new trespassers and not returning offenders. We therefore believe that the current system of routine patrols, estate watchers and emergency callout is proving effective and we expect the scale of the problem to reduce in due course. Please be assured, however, that the Board fully understands your concerns and is keeping a very close eye on these issues.


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