The Estate TV System


You may have seen this item about the communal TV system in our Newsletter:

Since the Grange Estate was built a communal TV signal has been provided to all of the properties in Heronsforde, The Knoll and Lakeside, as required by the Estate Management Scheme (EMS). The EMS prohibits shareholders installing TV aerials of their own on these properties to receive a TV signal. The original TV distribution system has since been replaced with a fibre-optic system that provides digital terrestrial and Astra 2 digital satellite signals.

This means that this system carries signals for both the Freeview SD/HD and Freesat SD/HD subscription-free services, as well as a signal suitable for use with a Sky SD/HD or Sky Q SD/HD/UHD receiver - if one takes out a Sky subscription.

There is no requirement to fit a dish or aerial on one’s property to receive any of these services (and both aerials and dishes are prohibited by the EMS).

The board will shortly be carrying out a survey across the Estate to determine the current use and understanding of the TV infrastructure among shareholders and residents. This will enable us to focus our plans in the future more suitably.

We are now inviting everybody who owns, or lives in, one of the houses on Heronsforde, The Knoll or Lakeside to participate in our survey. You will shortly receive a paper copy which you can complete, and return to us. Alternatively, you can submit your answers electronically here.


The Estate TV Survey